Ethics and action

We strive to uphold our Vision and Values with honesty, transparency and integrity, in whatever we do.

Our Ethics and Action (8) round


Ascertus is committed to the highest standards of business integrity, service quality and sustainability. The sustainability and ethical standards to which Ascertus is committed extends to our relationships with suppliers, customers and employees.   

We follow the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles pertaining to Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. Our actions demonstrate our support of, and respect for, internationally recognised human rights. 

These principles are ingrained in our policies and processes, and supported via employee training programmes, Supplier Code of Conduct and our contractual agreements.  Measures such as our Cyber Essential PLUS certification ensure we uphold the highest standards of data security and privacy. 

You can read more about this in our Modern Slavery statement and our Privacy Notice.

Our people round

Our people

We understand that our employees make Ascertus.  

Valuing diversity and equality, we actively champion these principles in our workplace and throughout the entire employment lifecycle, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Our aim is for our employees to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel able to give their best. 

We have supported young workers through apprenticeship schemes, have actively encouraged experienced staff back into the workplace following career breaks, and are proud to say that 50% of our Management Team is female. 

Employee wellbeing is extremely important to us. We offer flexible working, emotional wellness support, private medical insurance, and career development. Our Management Team fosters a healthy culture, bolstered by training in mental health, coaching and effective communication. 

Our Ethics and Action (3) round


Sustainability must be a priority for us all. We continue to evaluate where we can make a difference and play our part in this global endeavour.  

We consciously select supply chain partners and utilize cloud-based providers that share our commitment to carbon footprint reduction. Our offices discourage single-use items, prioritise digital tools to minimize paper usage and recycle wherever possible. We participate in the circular economy by donating decommissioned equipment to schools and implementing technology rotation solutions.  

Remote working reduces our carbon footprint and where employees do come into our offices, they are encouraged to use the Government Cycle Scheme or public transport. To balance our impact, we contribute to carbon offsetting and removals projects for air travel. 

Charity round


We take our corporate responsibility towards society seriously and aim to make a purposeful difference through community engagement. Our work in this space is continuously evolving and growing.  

We build 'Giving' into our asset lifecycle management process by donating decommissioned laptops to local schools and auctioning mobile phones to employees in return for charitable donations. 

Every year, the Ascertus Charity Team chooses two charities to support. Corporate Volunteering Days and charity fundraisers allow us to combine community engagement, team building and fun activities. This might be as simple as hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning in our office or getting our hands dirty devoting a day to London Play Design, a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to make outdoor play accessible to children in low-income communities. 

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